
2022年桂林理工大学 翻译硕士英语入学考试真题公布!其中包括选择题、填空题、 翻译题和作文题,总分100分,需要在三个小时内完成。为了方便大家学习,高顿小编整理了详细的真题内容,希望对你有帮助。   考生注意:请将答题内容直接写在试题纸上,写在试卷上视为无效。   Part I Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence   without changing its original meaning or choose the most appropriate to complete each sentence.(每小题0.5分,共10分)   1.The thought of giving a speech in public prompted her to feel nervous and fidgety   A.alluring B.stern C.intact D.restless   2.Friendliness was so palpable in the room that everyone there talked freely and happily   A.obvious B.primal C.petty D.conspicuous   3.Having a seven-hour sleep everyday provides him with spiritual gratification.   A.proliferation B.satisfaction C.fragmentation D.intuition   4.A person tends to moan if he or she suffers physical or spiritual pain.   A.mutter B.menace C.groan D.murmur   5.He showed his grievance against me byrefusing to cooperate with me.   A.adversity in B.restraint of C.discontent with Dresiliency in   6.You should check whether the door is locked prior to leaving your dormitory-   A.before B.ahead C.right after D.the moment   7.He examined the painting minutely for an hour and drew a conclusion that it was a fake.   A.desperately B.cosmically c.carefully D.drastically   8.Tired and listless,he was shuffling to his dormitory,dragging his feet along.   A.trudging B.stumbling C.racing D.sidling   9,The government was preparing to dispatch hundreds of soldiers to search the island   A.send B.disclose C.counterpoise D.allure   10.Coal and petrol are_resources that we should utilize rationally.   A.exhausted B.exhausting C.exhaustible D.exhaustive   11.It is wrong to dodge paying taxes.   A.clasp B.evade C.profess D.unfurl   12.Keys should never be hidden around the house since thieves_ know where to look.   A.efficiently B.reverently C.discreetly D.invariably   13.He is most likely to become a person of__after years of frustration and no success in his career.   A.egoism B.optimism C.cynicism D.romanticism   14.Don’t beat around the bush;please come to the point directly without_   A.perception B.prevarication C.preoccupation D.temptation   15.The wood warped under pressure.   A.bent B.elevated C.confounded D.astounded   16.Her repeated lies have our confidence in her.   A.feigned B.underlined C.undermined D,tangled   17.The company has acceded to most of the strikersdemands.   A.given in to B.given up C.agreed to D.disagreed to   18.He has undergone several operations to prevent the of cancer cells.   A.lubrication B.proliferation C.contortion D.distinction   19.Earth’s_atmosphere is essential for life.   A.ubiquitous B.generous C.mysterious D.eccentric   20.I feel it very extravagant and unnecessary to spend$2000 on a dress.   A.venerable B.debonair C.prosaic D.luxurious   Part II Fill in the blank in each sentence with an appropriate form of the given word in the   parenthesis.(每小题1分,共20分)   1.By 2002,the corporation was making a loss,for price had fallenas advanced economies underwent a profound transition.(catastrophe)   2.Johnson isn’t tired of Tokyo,it seems,but appearances can be__(deceive)   3.The minister had decided not to release a statement explaining the reason ofhis resignation,but later,he   and let it out.(relentless)   4.He was in an__mood on the night of the party.(expand)   5.Trends toward theof industry have dramatically affected food production in that country.(globe)   6.She is a TVand watches as much as she can.(addiction)   7.Arguments for and against the______of God have been proposed by scientists,philosophers,theologians,and others.(exist)   8.The_____black landscape is the virtual opposite of the postcard stereotype of lush Hawaii.(earthly)   9.When having a fall,old people are more likely to be seriously injured because of the___of their bones.(fragile)   10.Starvation and disease over much of Asia and Europe in the 1950s were Truman’s__as President.(inherit)11.He has won tremendous popularity by virtue ofhis_to his colleagues.(generous)   12.ArealMiss Evans does not allow any slightest mistakes in her studentscompositions.(precise)13.He showed much__ in handling the delicate situation.(discreet)14.Their___problems started soon after they adopted the child.(marry)   15.There have been many complaints about the young coach’s__and lack of judgment.(mature)16.Benjamin Franklin’s father used to_him for his performances.(ridiculous)   17.Huckleberry Finn knew that he couldn’t pray a lie and he would commit the crime of if he was playing double.(blaspheme)   18.Many young women have_ideas about marriage.(poetry)19.The___ofhuman species has been a long process.(evolve)   20.An assortment of junk food from a machine had been placed outside my room.(strategy)   Part III Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words(每小题1分,共10分)   1.Caffeine is a stimulant which acts on the nervous system.___   2.When he reflected on his marriage he had to acknowledge that it was a great mistake.   3.The party leader hadn’t actually ruled out proposals on electoral reform._   4.They tried every means to step up production.   5.In light of the muddy field,the football team put on their rubbers.   6.But this was not even half the man._   7.It never occurred to me that he was a double-faced man_   8.You look very fed up.What's wrong with you?___   9.Yet the bombing of Nagasaki is in certain respects the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger that still hangs over us.   10.For Marx was before all else a revolutionist.   完整版下载查看: 2022年考研真题-桂林理工大学研究生院(研究生工作部) (glut.edu.cn)  以上就是有关【桂林理工大学翻译硕士 英语真题2022最新版公布】的相关介绍,祝大家旗开得胜,一鸣惊人。如果有更多想要了解的考研相关资讯,还可以登录高顿考研考试网站查询详情哦。   学姐给2024考研小伙伴谋了一波小福利:点击下方蓝色图片即可免费领取丰富的学习资料,手慢无哦~ 延伸阅读
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