兄弟啊。。你这个危险了。。。立刻写封邮件给大学解释一下你的情况。。并且诚恳的要求他们延长你缴费的时间!立刻去银行通过电汇的方式把学费寄到学校指定的账户中!账户地址是:BANK WIRE INFORMATION Please find below the information which your bank needs to wire transfer funds to the University of Toronto for the payment of student accounts. Funds may be sent directly from a Financial Institution outside of Canada. Pay to: Royal Bank of Canada, 648 Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5S 2H7 Transit & Account Number: 05802 0000018 FI Number: 003 Swift/Sort Code: ROYCCAT2 Beneficiary/Payee: The Governing Council of the University of Toronto 在填写汇款申请时申请加急!如果这些你在明天都做了!你还有希望在今年9月读上大学。。不然真的危险了。。记住汇款要求:All payments MUST be accompanied by the student's name and student number收款人地址是Governing Council的地址